Lowest prices in Jersey and Pennsylvania
Put an extra $200 in your pocket for every job you do
Time is money! We assemble the panels so you can install faster.
Special Incentives
We believe in rewarding our contractors with our buy more save more programs.
Dedicated Reps
No more waiting behind homeowners. We know your time is valuable.
Fast Lead Times
Get the fence you need when you need it! We're always here to help!
We Supply You With Leads Too!
SJ Fence Supply knows you you rely on leads but they’re hard to come by. That’s why we constantly advertise to bring you more work!
Remember! We’re here to help you grow. Because when you grow, we grow.
You don't have to do struggle on your own.
Being a business owner can be extremely stressful and leave you feeling like you’re all alone.
Having an issue? Schedule a time to talk to Joe.
He has 7 years of experience with running a fence company and specializes in getting the phone to ring, putting systems into place, and using technology to make running a business easier.
Tools To make your life easier
We’ve built several tools that will save you tons of time so you can actually spend time with your family.
- GPS Tool - Figure out measurements and price right from your office.
- Survey Tool- Quickly find out how long each side is.
- Fence Calculator - Put together a quote in 60 seconds
Let's Talk
Get our price lists and see how we can help you and your company.
(856) 595-4553